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5 Reasons Why You Need Google Analytics 4 (GA4)


The new version of Google Analytics is now available (GA4) and replaces the Universal Analytics (UA) which has been around for a long time. Our impressions so far….we like it a lot!

Google Analytics 4, what is it?

The 3 major differences between UC and GA4 are: 

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1- How users are tracked (in UA they are tracked through pre-determined sessions/periods where you see what the user is doing on your site). GA4 is based on events instead of creating a new session when the user returns to the site, GA retains all the events he has completed. This allows Google to more accurately replicate what users are doing on your site instead of just worrying about how they got there. 

2- “Reporting”. With UA there are several sets of “carryovers” that come with some customizations. GA4 comes with high level reports included and in the analysis tab you find specific reports as needed. This gives you ease of image management of your “reports” and focuses on the data that is most important to you.

3- Setup. UA displays the configuration and uses the accessory while the GA4 allows you to mix the website and your applications/apps. This is done through a single accessory and Google Analytics data feeds.

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Why change to Google Analytics 4?

The new Google Analytics is exactly what it projects: new and improved. Google Analytics 4 is designed for apps and websites. If you're ready for actionable insights from people visiting your site, Google Analytics 4 is for you.

New update functions will come.

You will soon have the ability to transfer from your UA ownership to your GA4 ownership. Currently, GA4 properties have no filtering capabilities (not in the same way as filters configured in UA), but this should become available shortly. 

Google Analytics 4 encourages users to create custom reports for the data they need. This drastically reduces the number of pre-designed and irrelevant reports. This way your dashboard is less cluttered. You'll make better-informed decisions more easily and quickly to increase the effectiveness of your website or app. 

Google Analytics 4 is on its way to becoming more powerful than Universal Analytics and providing more relevant data as to why users are on your site and/or app. It lets you combine data from different streams in one place and more accurately assign actions to users across their devices. 

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