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Multimedia trainer job

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Adobe trainers wanted
SEO Coach, Marketing
3d teachers

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The teachers sought must be a freelancer on their own account, this is a freelance training contract offer. You must have daytime availability for our corporate clients. Possibility of contract evenings and weekends if you wish.

Freelance teachers needed to provide training on topics such as:

-Computer graphics, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign

Adobe Premiere, After effects

-Flash, ActionScript, dreamweaver

3d studio max

- PHP, CSS, WordPress, Dreamweaver and more

– SEO, Analytics, Adword, social media

The teacher must be able to present and popularize the subject to a beginner and intermediate level clientele.

The training is done in the form of coaching and the place is determined according to the convenience of the client.

Students in the field, you are welcome!

We are in the process of building a bank of candidates.

Send your CV by email and we will contact you shortly.

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