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Adobe Acrobat DC Montreal Course

Adobe Acrobat corporate training in Montreal

In the professional environment, it very often happens that between colleagues, we want to exchange documents or write them, but also to protect them. For this, some often use preinstalled software such as office suites. On the other hand, when you happen to want to share the information contained in the document or the document itself on the website, another file format is much more useful. This is obviously the file format PDF. As a result, this Training gives you the opportunity to grasp the operation ofAdobe Acrobat to create files PDF and knowing how to put them to multiple uses. In reality, the theorical class at TorontoEdmonton Where Edmonton will mingle with a practice and a Adobe CC coaching in Montreal in particular with a view to successfully completing the different phases and taking full advantage of the computer program Adobe Acrobat.

The purpose of Adobe courses in Montreal

Workshop to manage the entire production chain of a PDF document as well as all its security. The continuing education will show how to insert multimedia elements on the files PDF, but also how to create forms to collect data.

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[av_tab_container position='top_tab' boxed='border_tabs' initial='1′]
[av_tab title='Overview of Adobe Acrobat' icon_select='no' icon='ue800′ font='entypo-fontello']

  • How to install the software
  • Opening the software
  • User interface explanations
  • Customizing the display
  • Features present in Adobe Acrobat
  • The different navigation panels
  • Significance of company training

[av_tab title='First uses of Adobe Acrobat' icon_select='no' icon='ue800′ font='entypo-fontello']

  • Create a file in the format PDF maker Where Adobe PDF
  • Create a PDF document using Acrobat
  • How to implement multiple PDF files at once
  • How to view a file PDF
  • Customization and Appearance
  • The various text and page management tools
  • To know merge documents

[av_tab title='PDF file management' icon_select='no' icon='ue800′ font='entypo-fontello']

  • Accompaniment by a teacher on the modification of PDF files
  • How to edit a file PDF
  • How to change the look and feel of text
  • learn how to add headers and footers
  • How to crop a file PDF
  • Compress documents PDF
  • Which fonts inserted
  • Creation of forms in adobe acrobat
  • How to disseminate data
  • How to monitor the data of the form
  • Manage comments
  • Help from a teacher to fully set up comments
  • Revision and revision follow-up
  • How to insert search functions
  • How to do phonetic research
  • How to manage bookmarks and links

[av_tab title='Document protection' icon_select='no' icon='ue800′ font='entypo-fontello']

  • Capacity building seminar on the importance of security with Acrobat
  • Rights management and notions of digital signature
  • Professional perfection Adobe in Montreal on the notions of certification and authentication
  • Use of electronic envelopes

