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Quebec Flash Training

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Adobe Flash Workshop

Whether it's for work or leisure, have fun with Flash software by creating simple 2D animations and complete websites rich in movement and sound! Flash also allows you, at a more advanced level, to create advertisements or video games. Goals Get the student to understand and use Flash. Contents The vector drawing.


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Tools and their properties
Colors and gradients
Specificities of text fields
Importing images, unlinking
Creation of animations Flash

Scenario, keyframes
Integration and animation,
Management of time, space and depth,
Displacement in time,
Reading management, loop…
Interpolation of motion, shape
Flash animation management

Distinction of symbols and occurrences
Organization of the library
Object instances and modification
Particularities of movie clip, effects
Embedded animations
Animation Duplicating
Onion skin, visual aids
Export formats, publishing
Animation optimization
Import animation into HTML
object tag, IE/Mozilla distinction
Getting started with action scripting
Animation control

Minimal knowledge of internet tool and computer. Acquired skills Pedagogical approach The Flash course is based on a
planning approach and structure of the project which avoids loss of
time during design. Documents or materials to bring

Private Flash training that really meets your
needs and the possibility of deepening at your own pace. Variable schedule depending on
your availability.


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