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Action script training in Quebec

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Adobe Flash Courses

Are you using Flash software without Action Script programming? This training is for you! It will allow you to switch directly to ActionScript 3.0 adopted by Adobe from Adobe Flash CS3. Thanks to our experienced teachers, you will easily understand the basics of object-oriented programming. To do this, they use small educational programs while working with you on your projects. You will then see how ActionScript 3.0 multiplies by ten the capacities of Adobe Flash.
Make complex animations without Timeline, perform interactivity of all kinds, animate hundreds of objects on the stage, dynamically apply filters, automatically control sound and video, etc.

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– Object-oriented programming (OOP): simple explanations of the principle, syntax and advantages.

Properties and methods: the bricks of the OOP.
– Variables and functions: declaration and types.
– Dynamically place and remove an object from the scene.
– Manage events: mouse, keyboard, timeouts, encounters.
– Draw without tools thanks to ActionScript3.0
– Color geometries and dynamically apply filters.
– Load an image and play a sound or a video.
– Automatically check the loading level and chain multiple media.
– Make a tween or frame-by-frame animation without Timeline.
– Animation project made entirely with AS 3.0
Minimal knowledge of internet tool and computer.
Pedagogical approach
The Adobe Flash course is based on a

Private Adobe Flash Action Script 3.0 training that really meets your

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needs and the possibility of deepening at your own pace. Variable schedule depending on
your availability.

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