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PHP training in Quebec

Web programming workshop

The language of PHP programming gained momentum through programming website and dynamic sites. Its simplicity and speed have contributed to the popularity of the PHP scripting language.You can use the PHP programming under several operating systems such as Windows, because different programs are compatible with these systems. Since its release, PHP has placed itself on the podium of recognized application servers such as .NET and J2EE. Training PHP programming will allow you to make adequate use of the various features of programs that use this language and will help you to understand them better. Goals You know how to create a static website by HTML language with Dreamweaver? Now is the time to learn the language PHP! This type of programming language allows the developer website to create dynamic pages. The sites are therefore lighter and the updates are done more quickly. This course will help you understand this language so that you are able to create your own applications website. Contents


The basics of PHP
In this module, we will see the different functions and attributes of the PHP language :

  • Tags, Comments, Variables, Constants, and Data Types
  • Operators, control structures
  • Include files

The tables
In this module, we will see the different tables as well as the attributes associated with the PHP language

  • Scalar arrays
  • Associative arrays
  • Multidimensional arrays
  • Path of a table
  • Table functions

Forms and data transmissions
In this module, we will see how to use forms in PHP.

  • Form fields
  • GET and POST methods
  • Data testing
  • registrar_globals mode


Connection to a database
In this module, we will see the different parameters for connecting and modifying databases PHP.

  • PHPMyAdmin
  • Authentication
  • SQL queries
  • Searching and sorting within a database

Cookies and sessions
In this module we will see the differences between cookies and sessions at PHP language.

  • Cookies, session and development of secure access.


object-oriented programming with PHP
In this module, we will see the different attributes and parameters specific to object-oriented programming with PHP.

  • Classes and Objects
  • Constructor / Destroyer
  • Polymorphism
  • Visibilities
  • Interfaces
  • Exceptions

Security in PHP
In this part of the PHP training we will see how to configure security by PHP language.

  • Update to PHP
  • Variables and constants
  • Data testing
  • File transfer
  • Inclusions
  • SQL Injections
  • Form fields
  • File types

Other advanced features
This part of the training PHP is reserved for those who have reached the most advanced level.

  • Tips and tricks
  • @ operator
  • Break and carry on
  • Code and query optimization
  • Include vs require
  • variable variables
  • The predefined constants


A training PHP privacy that actually responds to your
needs and the possibility of deepening at your own pace. Variable schedule depending on
your availability.

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