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Tutorial: create a Flash animation

The adobe flash library, your drawing board

This is where it all begins.

The library is a storage area, the drawing board from which elements are extracted as the animation evolves. Drawings, images and sound are created or imported there. Each of these
elements is represented by a symbol that determines its behavior. There are three symbols:

  • Chart. These are vector drawings or images, more generally, static elements of animation.
  • Button. It is also an image or a drawing but has the properties
    of a button, i.e. which is receptive to the passage of the cursor or to the
    mouse clicks. We can thus assign to these symbols one or more
    shares. Example: The cursor passes over the cat, it meows. I click, it purrs.
  • Animated clip. They are still drawings or images, but they move in the space of the screen.

Modular. You can make, from elements of the library, an animation which will be played autonomously within the animation, such as an animated button (a Russian doll Flash somehow).

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Figure 1: The Library Flash is the storage space for the elements of your animation.